PNW Jam Application

We encourage you to type your answers in a word doc and save them, until you get a confirmation from us, as we occasionally experience technical glitches with this form. 

    Due to the small and personal nature of the event, this questionnaire is longer and more in-depth than most, because we want to get to know you better. Please share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. Don’t worry too much about grammar, spelling, or making full sentences. We only ask you to share what you feel is 'enough'. We will follow up with more questions or a phone call if we need more information.

    Also, please note that all of your answers, including your name and basic info, will be kept in full confidentiality.* Only the leadership team will have access to your application. The more the team learns about you, the more informed their decision about selection can be.

    Participant selection will be based on multiple factors, including prioritizing the inclusion and representation of a diverse participant body. Space is limited. If you do not get accepted immediately, you may be placed on a waitlist if space becomes available.

    * Please note that if you are accepted, your name and bio will be shared with the other participants of your Jam just prior to the event.

    Complete Name (required)

    Nickname (what you prefer to be called, if different):

    Gender Pronouns

    Your Email (required)

    Organization or Organizational Affiliation (if applicable):

    Website of Group (if applicable):

    Street Address (required)

    City (required)

    State / Province (required)

    Zip / Postal Code (required)

    Phone (if applicable):

    Birthday (Month/Day/Year) (required)

    How did you hear about the Jam? Please list sources by name:

    If you would prefer elaborating on these in depth questions through a video submission or a phone or video interview, that is entirely ok!

    Who You Are

    The people in the room are the focus of the Jam, and sharing our stories, experiences, ideas, etc. through a variety of formats, is how we engage and learn together. The following series of questions is meant to be a taste of this principle. Don't worry about spelling or grammar or eloquent articulation. We just want to get a sense of who you are.

    How do you identify? (gender identity, ethnic background, sexual orientation, class, anything else that makes you who you are.) We ask because we value diversity, the opportunity to create a safe space and to best meet participants’ needs:

    What are your big questions right now? What’s alive for you? What are your current places of challenge, growth, and excitement? In your community? Your work life? Personally? In the PNW? Please be as specific as possible about whatever you do, why you do it, and the values behind it.

    Why would you like to attend the PNW Jam? What do you feel you will be able to give/contribute to the jam? What do you hope to receive? How do you feel the Jam will be valuable for you at this point in your life/work journey?

    There will be a rich variety of beliefs and experiences among those who come to the Jam, and a significant part of our time together will involve listening to and learning from each other. How do you connect with people who are different from you? Where do you struggle with connections?

    What supports you in making meaningful connections? What would you need in order to make the Jam feel safe, welcoming, and accessible for you?

    Do you have any doubts, fears or concerns about attending the Jam? And/or, is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

    Please give us a mini-bio (a paragraph version of your story) written in the third person (for example, using "she", “they”, or “he” instead of "I"). Talk yourself up! Include contributions you've made, any awards or accomplishments, organizations you've been involved with, etc.
    This is the bio that will be shared with other participants of this Jam. You can always modify it later:

    Costs of Attending

    The total cost of the jam is $800 per participant ($375 for food and lodging, $425 for program costs, including organizing support, childcare, materials, and facilitant honorarium).

    If you can pay the entire cost of $800, great! We ask that all participants consider contributing a minimum of $375 to cover their food and accommodation

    The following is an invitation for you to consider how much to contribute:

    The at-cost price per person for this Jam is $800. Broken down, $375 covers food, our chef, lodging, and supplies, and $425 covers honoraria for the organizers and facilitants. We are also happy to share our line-item budget with you in full transparency. 

    At Cost $800: Consider paying this amount if doing so would be an investment, but not create hardship for you. You might choose this rate if you are regularly able to meet your basic needs*, have some expendable income, you can travel every few years without burden, and you have some debt but are able to pay it regularly. This is the true cost of the Jam, what we need in order to cover lodging and food, pay the facilitators a stipend.

    A Bit More $850-$1200+: Please consider paying this amount if you are comfortably able to meet your basic needs*, own the home you live in or rent a higher end property, have access to financial savings and/or investments, have paid or pay for private education, have reliable work or do not need to work to meet your needs, have inherited wealth, and/or can afford to travel every year. This is a pay-it-forward rate. The extra money goes toward allowing us to work with more folks who need a lower rate. It's an opportunity to not only attend the Jam, but also support your fellow community members in doing so too. Sweet!

    A Bit Less $550-$750: Consider paying this rate if it is sometimes a stretch to meet your basic needs*, if you have little savings, if your expendable income is tight, if you have experienced housing insecurity in the past but are currently in stable housing, and if investing in personal development and/or leisure travel is an occasional treat. This is a discounted rate.

    Reparative Rate $250-$550: Please consider paying this amount if you come from generational poverty and you or your ancestors have faced marginalization. For instance, if you struggle to meet your basic needs*, have little to no savings, significant debt, and if you have little to no financial safety net or housing stability from family. We recognize the vast inequities that exist in our communities due to complex histories of war, imperialism, patriarchy, and neoliberalism within the North American continent. Our intention is to redistribute resources, and we consider the Jam to be a community resource that we wish to make available regardless of money. Our experience shows us that every participant contributing something ultimately contributes to your investment in this co-created experience. In that spirit, we ask you to consider what you can contribute toward the food and lodging of the Jam, the full cost of which is $375.

    If you can pay more than the at-cost $800 for tuition, that extra amount is tax-deductible

    Money should never be a barrier to applying; partial scholarships are available. We also invite monthly payment plans.

    How much are you or your organization able to contribute toward tuition?

    Is there a work-trade you would like to offer (for example: organizing carpools, taking photos, writing a blog post, etc)?

    Thanks so much for taking the time to fill out this application! We'll be in touch as soon as we can.