Upcoming Jams

Some of what’s in the works….
September 2024 – September 2025
New Jams and other YES! programs are being added all the time; information and applications are updated, so please check back often!
Many thanks to The Global Youth Leadership Collaborative for laying the foundation for so many of these programs.
As we evolve alongside the realities of public health, we are embracing our commitment to community, connection, collaboration and co-liberation. While we’ve returned to primarily in-person convenings, we are also co-creating online Jams, workshops, and other offerings. You can see what we are anticipating above and below, and more new programs will be coming soon.
Egypt Youth Jam, June 2025 – The 9th Egypt Jam will connect 20+ diverse, engaged and committed leaders from around the country to develop skills and share inspiration. Over the period of five days, we will journey together through deep listening, self-discovery, systemic inquiry and community building.
Anatolia Arts for Social Change Jam, Summer 2025, Turkey – The 5th Arts for Social Change Jam in Turkey will bring together 30 artist-activists from around the country — dancers, musicians, storytellers, filmmakers, photographers, visual artists, and more — to strengthen and deepen arts offerings towards building a thriving, just and regenerative world for all.
Law and Social Change Jam, Summer 2025, Millerton, NY – Join a diverse group of practitioners of law and justice for a week of personal inquiry, mutual support, and community building. Together we will call forth a more just and loving world through engagement with and transformation of the law, and explore how we can continue to transform ourselves into healers & agents of change, create nourishing community among those engaged with the law, and re-imagine law as a tool for collective liberation.
India Arts for Social Change Jam, Summer 2025, India – This Jam is a co-creative, community growing space where Artivists (artist+activist) from diverse backgrounds connect with and inspire each other. Through engaging in a powerful week of deep listening, self discovery, community building and systemic enquiry, they come together to create and embody the worlds they would like to live in, and become a part of an ever growing lifelong community.
North America Leadership Jam, September 1-8 2025, Santa Cruz, CA – This Jam brings together 30 changemakers from across North America for a seven-day deep dive, exploring the connections between self-awareness, group evolution, and systemic change. We gather to grow internally, build community and discover collective ways to move towards transformative change. We also gather to have a ton of fun, make art, and reconnect with nature and our spirits. It’s a unique blend of personal recharge and deep exploration into how we can reshape the world.
Education Transformation Jam (Virtual), Summer or Fall 2025 – Bringing together 30 leaders and visionaries from across the oft-divided education world: public, private, independent, and charter schools, unschooling, homeschooling, learning communities, youth empowerment, leadership development, adult education, early childhood, higher education, and more, the Ed Jam creates opportunities to explore our experiences and visions of education, build lasting and collaborative relationships, deepen our perspectives of challenging questions, share places of growth, struggle and healing, and have a lot of fun.
U.S. Arts for Social Change Jam Fall 2025, California – a five day gathering of up to 20+ dynamic change-making artists from across North America to engage in deep learning, listening, systemic inquiry, and community building with an eye towards transforming our lives and work to better align with the value we profess.
Toronto Jam, October 22-26, 2025, Toronto – The 9th Toronto Jam will be an experiment in ‘beloved community’: a place where we can intentionally come together to practice the art of connection, collaboration, and co-liberation in the context of a society that is constantly seeking to divide us.
India Youth Jam, Fall 2025, India – With India as a country experiencing lots of upheavals recently, and many young people taking a stand in a variety of ways, the Jam is a place pause, find solidarity, sit with conflict, and practice listening to ourselves and each other.
Middle East Leadership Jam, Early 2026, TBD – The 12th ME Jam brings together diverse young leaders from around the region, who are committed to hope, possibility, justice and peace for all peoples in the region. It is co-organized and facilitated by a diverse group of Middle East Jam alumni.