2022 Pacific Northwest Jam

2022 Pacific Northwest Jam

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It is with great excitement that we invite you to apply for the Pacific Northwest Virtual Jam – a gathering of about 30 dynamic and diverse changemakers for deep learning, systemic inquiry, and community building.

This Jam will take place over the course of seven days, spanning March 21st through March 26th. We will meet for one 2.5-hour session each day from 4 pm to 6pm PST.  Each day there is also an optional hangout from 6-6:30 pm — which we strongly encourage you to make time for.  The dates for these sessions will be  March 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, and March 26th, though please note that leaving spacious time in your schedule for the week will make the Jam much more enjoyable.  March 24th will be reserved for rest, additional spontaneous interactions, reflection, integration, and self-care.


So much is alive, in flux, and in need of attention in this moment. In the face of incredible injustice, pain, rage, numbness, and grief, we are also seeing incredible leadership and transformations occurring across the PNW and beyond. As the coronavirus pandemic painfully lays bare our society’s inequities, mutual aid networks are stepping up to redistribute critical resources. As law enforcement perpetuates long-standing racist agendas, movements for racial justice continue advocating for abolitionist futures. As wildfires upended livelihoods and damaged this region’s landscape, communities came together to alleviate each other’s burdens.

With these crises, we are witnessing the unsustainability of our current world and imagining what a new world could be. We are also feeling a collective need for healing through community and connection, especially as we move forward from a divisive and polarizing presidency and election year. The purpose of this Jam is to slow down together in order to meet the urgent challenges of our world in interdependent, grounded, intentional, and strategic ways.

We are hosting the Jam in order to:

  • Build the kind of community of practice we need to sustain ourselves in the beautiful and heart-bending work of making change.
  • Give time and attention to nourishing our stories and collaborative ways of leading and being that are emerging in our lives and work.
  • Support each of us in cultivating the courage and resilience to take purposeful, clear, and conscious action in response to violence and injustice.
  • Find the heart wisdom we need to unearth old stories that must be shed – in ourselves and our communities.

The Jam is not a retreat from the world; instead it’s an opportunity to face it in ourselves and with each other. It calls us to show up for exactly what is alive: in ourselves, in our relationships, in our communities, and in our world. We jam to meet the world as it is, and we jam to help get closer to the world we want to see.


In music, a jam is a creative, live gathering of musicians who together spontaneously create a new sound, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. When musicians get together to “jam,” they get to share their unique skills and knowledge, as well as learn from other musicians. They get to hear and experience other styles of music while expanding their own horizons. When musicians improvise, they create music that no one has ever heard before.

YES! Jams are places where diverse leaders and visionaries bring together their passions, openness, and unique perspectives. Through facilitated activities and in spontaneous connection, we weave layers of experience, wisdom, heart, and spirit to create  magic. The Jam asks that all the participants are present and ready to listen deeply to each other. This allows us to explore transformation on the personal, interpersonal, and systemic levels.

The Pacific Northwest Changemakers Jam is guided and supported by a team of facilitators, and it is co-created because the content of the Jam comes directly from participants’ responses to questions in the application. It will grow and shift based on what emerges from the group during our time together. We hold the ample time outside of sessions with equal importance: personal reflection, being with nature, creative fun, slowness, and bringing the Jam to the rest of your life and work.

The PNW Jam hopes to be a space to explore questions such as:

  • What are your many connections to the PNW as a region and how have they evolved? How have these connections impacted your identities, your relationships, your communities, your work?
  • How have your experiences of power and privilege in this region impacted you and the visions, questions, hopes, and fears you hold for the future?
  • What questions are alive for you in your life right now? For your community? For this region and beyond?
  • What are the core points of healing and transformation for you? For your community? For this region and beyond?
  • How do we build a grounded foundation in the face of homelessness, displacement and the restlessness some of us feel as transplants?
  • How do we co-create cultures where we are in right relationship to the land and the native peoples of the PNW?
  • How can our connections form the foundation for powerful, collective movement toward healing and transformative justice?

What are your questions?  Bring them to the Jam!

The Jam is not a conference, seminar, or a typical meeting — it’s something unique. There is dedicated time to think and feel deeply about social change in our world, in our communities, and in ourselves. There are transformative conversations and there is a lot of fun, art, and creativity. There is group explorations, and co-creations, as well as solo time and internal reflection. Every Jam is an open space where the gifts and needs of the people who show up can emerge.

YES! Jams have been happening since 1999. YES! collaborates with other like-hearted peers around the world to co-create Jams where diverse visionaries and social changemakers combine their inspirations and skills to create something greater than the sum of their parts. To date, more than 180 Jams have been held on six continents, bringing together young and intergenerational leaders from more than 85 nations.


You! We welcome anyone who is excited to co-create a community that celebrates our unique experiences.

If you’re wondering if you’re “qualified enough” to be a part of something like this, or if you “know enough,” “do enough” or are “good enough”… take a deep breath and trust that you are. Our group of organizers have a wide variety of backgrounds and life pursuits, and showing up with vulnerability throughout the planning process has allowed us to create closer connections across those differences. We would love to bring you into that dynamic and learn from your individual wisdom of this region. We deeply value diversity across race, class, gender, sexuality, age, and ability. And whether you’re a member of the PNW’s indigenous communities, a restless transplant, a longstanding and embedded resident, and/or somewhere in-between, we would be grateful for your presence.



Jams are as unique as the people that take part, so it’s hard to say exactly what you’ll leave with. It’s much more useful to acknowledge that you will simply grow.

During a Jam, participants stretch and flex in and out of their comfort zones while learning and co-creating new ways of relating. Each day together we honor our individual experience as a form of collective regeneration. We explore how we can help each other step more fully into our own selves so we can show up more authentically in our work, community, and relationships.

Joy and struggle and everything in between are often a part of peoples’ Jam experiences. Like a musical jam, sometimes things are in flow, and sometimes they are a little out of tune. As individuals and as a community, we keep working our way to listening and synergizing as much as we can.

While many aren’t quite ready to say goodbye when it’s over, it’s not uncommon for Jammers to leave more ready to tackle whatever obstacle they were grappling with before. This readiness is a by-product of previous days spent sharing community, forming new friendships, and building a network of support that crosses state lines and international borders.

If you come to the PNW Jam, you could discover a deeper capacity to bridge the divisions you encounter on your walk through this world.

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://yesworld.org/pnwjamapp/ →


Date And Time

2022-03-21 to



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