Empathy Languages

Empathy Languages

57 57 people viewed this event.

Date: November 20, 2024

Time: 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern / 9:30pm India Standard Time

Duration: 90 minutes

Suggested Donation: $10 – $40
Empathy Languages is a tool that spells out the many different ways that people like to feel seen, heard and understood.    Being aware of these languages can help us both give and receive empathy in more powerful ways.  This in turn can transform our relationships, and empower us in our work as well.  In this experiential session we will learn some of the theory of Empathy Languages and then dive into practicing them out in breakout rooms.  We’ll explore some of the nuances behind each language that can make them more effective.
Roy’s Bio:
Roy is a facilitator, trainer and conflict mediator.  He has facilitated 15 Jams including the India Youth Jam and the EcoJam.  He has developed Conscious Communication, which is an evolution of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) that also integrates Jam tools, Authentic Relating, and other modalities into it.  He believes in the power of slowing down.  In his spare time he loves living on the land, growing food and watching the stars at night.

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Date And Time

2024-11-20 @ 08:00 AM (PST)


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