2023 Northeast Changemakers Jam

2023 Northeast Changemakers Jam

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It is with great excitement that we invite you to apply for the Northeast Changemakers Jam – a five day gathering of up to 30 dynamic changemakers engaging in deep learning, listening, systemic inquiry, and community building from November 1-5, 2023 at the Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center in Saco, Maine.

Apply Today! 

Applications are open until the last few spots are filled
Why the Northeast Changemakers Jam now?

So much is alive, in flux, and in need of attention and action in this moment. In the face of incredible injustice, pain, rage, fear, numbness, and grief, we are also seeing incredible leadership and transformations occurring across the northeastern United States and beyond. As the pandemic shifts into new phases, we recognize a need to (re)connect in person. The purpose of this Jam is to slow down together in order to meet the urgency of this moment in our world in a grounded, intentional, and strategic way. 

We are hosting the Jam in order to: 

  • give time and attention to nourishing new stories and new ways of leading and being that are emerging in our lives and work.
  • support each of us in cultivating the courage and resilience to take purposeful, clear, and conscious action in response to injustice. 
  • build the kind of connection and community of practice we need to sustain ourselves in the beautiful and heart-bending work of making change.

The Jam is not a retreat from the world, but rather an opportunity to face it. It calls us to show up for exactly what is alive: in ourselves, in our relationships, in our communities, in our world. We jam to meet the world as it is, and we jam to help get closer to the world we want to see. 

“The Jam format has been, for me, the most powerful vehicle for change, both personal and systemic, that I have yet encountered.  The Jam process is such a visible, tangible model for root cause intervention to systemic crises that are, at their core, cultural issues.  A healing salve for the human condition, this Jam has provided me a window into how we might live here on Earth together, forever.”  

– Mark Phillips, 27, Hosta Hill, Great Barrington, MA

What Is A Jam & How Does It Work?

The Jam is a gathering that is meant to explore transformation on the personal, interpersonal, and systemic levels. Though guided and supported by a team of facilitators, we say it is co-created because the content of the Jam is generated directly by participant responses to the application questions. We have three scheduled sessions a day together, which are planned by facilitators based on themes in the applications and shift based on what emerges for the group during our time. We hold the ample time outside of sessions with equal importance: for informal small group conversations, exploring the outdoors, personal reflection, creative fun, and the FAOHO (Fine Art of Hanging Out).

Some of the core questions we hope to explore during this Jam include:

  • What are your many relationships to the Northeast as a region and how have they evolved? How has this relationship impacted your identities, your relationships, your communities, your work?
  • What questions are alive for you in your life right now? For your community? For this region and beyond?
  • How have your experiences of power and privilege in this region impacted you and the visions, questions, hopes, and fears you hold for the future?
  • How do we cultivate the strength and resilience – in ourselves and in our relationships to each other – for deep truth-telling in multi-racial, cross-class, and intergenerational community? 
  • What are the core points of healing and transformation for you? For your community? For this region and beyond?
  • How do we build relationships across the region that sustain and support each other in times of need? How do we build those relationships with a consciousness of the need to redistribute resources? How do we build relationships that can withstand pressure and endure?

“A Jam is a gift to yourself – of time, of intentions, of creativity, of connection, of possibility.  I was nervous about taking so long to be ‘away’  (I’m putting that in quotes because I feel like I was still so present to my non-jam life in the sense of the intentions and tools.)  but it was the perfect amount of time – to do some really deep work…  Before this week I kept telling people that I was so excited for this because years of topical conferences left my work feeling stuck and uninspired, and like it needed to be pulled back into the flow of creativity and possibility that is what keeps me “in” the work to begin with.  I am ready to step back into my place in the ribbon between my ancestors and the future, to the flow of encouragement and radical, revolutionary, connections that will build our collective liberation.  I am ready.  Thank you.”  

– Meg Bossong, 36, Williams College, Pittsfield, MA

Why is it called a Jam?

We call our gatherings Jams because we are inspired by music jam sessions. YES! Jams bring together the same creativity, co-learning, and fun with a focus on social change. The Jam is not a conference, seminar, training, or workshop. When musicians get together to “jam”, they share their unique skills and knowledge, as well as learn from the other musicians. They hear and experience other styles of music while expanding their own horizons. They are also able to have fun, build community, and use their individual talent, inspiration, and skills to create something far greater than the sum of its parts. When musicians improvise, they create music that no one has ever heard before. YES! Jams do the same for people changing the world.

200+ Jams have been held with changemakers on six different continents over the last 20 years. This will be the sixth Northeast Jam.

Why You?

First, the basics: If you’re wondering if you’re “qualified enough” to be a part of something like this, or if you “know enough”, “do enough”, or are “good enough” to be a part of something like this… take a deep breath and trust that you are. Here is a list of some of the reasons that you might consider attending the Northeast Changemakers Jam…

Are you looking to:

  • Leverage your capacities, strengths, passions, privileges, and questions to support your own healing, growth, and leadership and the healing, growth, and leadership of your communities?
  • Practice new tools and frameworks to support your changemaking and unlearn old ways that no no longer serve you?
  • Listen deeply to yourself and others to learn from stories and experiences about personal growth, building community, and systemic transformation?
  • Restore, renew, and clarify your commitment to your values and your visions for the future?
  • Connect deeply with others who are working for change across this region?
  • Or are you feeling moved by this invitation in a different way? Fantastic. We can’t wait to hear about what calls to you!

Please know that we are seeking a vibrant diversity for this gathering.  This includes bringing together myriad different:

  • Identities and worldviews (e.g. class, race, religion, sexuality, gender, age, dis/ability, ethnicity, urban/rural/suburban, etc.)
  • Relationships to this region (as you choose to define it: “from here”, living here, native/indigenous to the region, recently relocated, in transition, “from away”, etc.)
  • Experiences in changemaking (from “just starting out” to “been at it for years”) 
  • Roles (from “person on the ground” to “founder, director, or board member”)
  • Passions or Work Focus (community organizing and building, farming and food security, local economies, indigenous rights, racial justice, education, climate justice, cultural regeneration, interfaith, health and physical well-being, creative arts, community media, spiritual healing, trauma recovery, political engagement, socially- and ecologically-conscious design, et al)

“[The Jam] offered a loving and unconditional embrace that helped me relax, slow down, have fun, and remember the joyful heart that approaches even great work with lightness and tenderness. You offered a hearth to gather around to hear the dreams and visions of others, to connect with my own, and to see that they are intertwined. They will buoy me and fuel and inspire me when I grow weary along this journey.”

– Uma Lo, 31, Permaculturist, Green Phoenix Permaculture, NY


“Northeast Jam, you have taught me that although I didn’t think I could go deeper, I definitely can – there is still so much deeper to go.  There is an immense space in my body that has yet to be explored (what you showed me more than anything is my capacity is more vast than I had imagined).  I have always recognized my strength, but to know my capacity and to so very distinctly feel it within my body and the space between my bones… that is a beautiful feeling.”   

– Rina Patel, 25, Founder/CEO of The Thinkers Global, NYC

Location, Site Accessibility, Travel, & Costs of Attending


The Northeast Changemakers Jam will take place at the beautiful Ferry Beach Retreat and Conference Center in Saco, Maine. The 32-acre campus quietly sits along the gorgeous shores of the Atlantic Ocean and abuts magical State Park woods. Travel costs are the responsibility of the participants, though we will help in arranging carpools from around the region to the best of our ability.


The retreat center’s facilities offer quaint cottages for those with little ones and spacious, comfortable dorm rooms with shared bathrooms. We try to set things up to be as gender-neutral as possible and as fragrance-free as possible. There are ADA-accessible private rooms, as well as bathrooms and meeting spaces across the campus. 

We build in open, unscheduled spaces each day, to make space for downtime and rest. Like all elements of the Jam, we’ll shape our activities and sessions through dialogue with the participants to make them accessible. If you are selected for the Jam, please share any other access support you’d like us to understand.

As you can imagine, weather in November in Maine is a bit unpredictable, with temperatures averaging anywhere from 40-65 degrees fahrenheit. All of the bedrooms and indoor meeting spaces we will be using are fully insulated and have heat. There are outdoor meeting spaces we will be using (weather permitting), as well as a wood-stove heated gathering place. We trust that the site will be warm enough for us to comfortably gather, and we encourage you to bring layers so that you can most easily adapt to the changing Maine weather. More specific details will be sent out to all accepted participants! 


As the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we recognize a need to connect in person while still being mindful of the crisis and finding ways to take care of one another collectively. Read below regarding our safety and access plans for this in-person gathering.

This event involves sharing close space together (including shared meals, sleeping space, common space, and a great deal of time in close dialogue together in pairs, small and large groups). We are striving to be as safe as possible while also being as honest and realistic as possible about the nature of the event itself. Please know that this is one of many Jams happening in the coming year, including virtual Jams if an in-person gathering doesn’t feel right for you at this time. Also, we invite your feedback, thoughts, and questions as we strive to navigate this balance. If something isn’t sitting well with you or if you have a need not addressed below, please reach out.

  • For the week leading up to the Jam, we ask that participants minimize their chances of exposure through unmasked indoor activities.

  • Before leaving home, we ask that all participants take a rapid test. For accountability for all of us, we ask that you text a photo of the test result on the day of arrival.

  • If you are experiencing consistent symptoms that are out of the ordinary for you, even with a negative test, we ask that you stay home.

  • While traveling, we ask that you wear a mask if you are on public transportation.

  • At the Jam itself, any individual is welcome to mask at any time. Due to the close nature of the event, we will not be asking everyone to mask except while in line for food, per Ferry Beach’s policy.

  • If you have preferences or needs regarding COVID considerations for lodging, please let us know in advance so that we can take that into account.

  • Our sessions will be held in a large room with high ceilings. Outside of sessions, everyone will be able to self-organize in common living rooms in the dorms, outside, on the beach, and in the dining hall (also a large room with high ceilings).

  • We will have rapid tests available onsite, and appreciate people bringing their own as well if that is available to them.

  • During the Jam, we will follow Ferry Beach’s COVID guidelines, which ask people to mask, isolate, and test if you develop symptoms. If you receive a positive test result, you will need to leave the Jam. If you have to leave the Jam for this reason, we’ll help you figure out transportation home.

  • If you’re not able to come to the Jam for this reason, we will refund your tuition amount except the cost of lodging and food, which will be subject to Ferry Beach’s COVID refund policy.


We have a sliding scale for tuition for this jam, and we invite you to pay what you can. We offer different rates and ask you to consider your individual and organizational access to money and wealth. 

In addition, the Northeast Jam is funded through a combination of participant tuition, local fundraising, and support from YES! and is one of seventeen jams happening globally this year. As organizers, we seek to minimize the support needed from YES! in class solidarity with other jams happening in less-resourced regions around the world. 

The at-cost price per person for this Jam is $1050, which covers food, our chef, lodging, supplies, honoraria and travel for the organizers and facilitants. We are happy to share our line-item budget with you in full transparency. 

If money is a barrier for participation in any way, please contact us and we will do everything we can to make it work for you to attend. We are also happy to work with you on a payment plan. We are accepting people on a rolling basis, so the earlier you apply, the more likely you are to receive financial aid.

If we have a higher than expected request for financial aid, or fewer than expected full tuition participants, we will provide a waiting list and offer additional aid as funds become available.

Sliding Scale: 

At Cost $1050: Consider paying this amount if doing so would be an investment, but not create hardship for you. You might choose this rate if you are regularly able to meet your basic needs*, have some expendable income, you can travel every few years without burden, and you have some debt but are able to pay it regularly. This is the true cost of the Jam, what we need in order to cover lodging, food, childcare, and to pay the facilitators a stipend.

A Bit More $1050-$1400+: Please consider paying this amount if you are comfortably able to meet your basic needs*, own the home you live in or rent a higher end property, have access to financial savings and/or investments, have paid or pay for private education, have reliable work or do not need to work to meet your needs, have inherited wealth, and/or can afford to travel every year. This is a pay-it-forward rate and anything above $1050 is tax-deductible. It’s an opportunity to not only attend the Jam, but also support your fellow community members in doing so too!

A Bit Less $400-1050: Consider paying this rate if it is sometimes a stretch to meet your basic needs*, if you have little savings, if your expendable income is tight, if you have experienced housing insecurity in the past but are currently in stable housing, and if investing in personal development and/or leisure travel is an occasional treat. This is a discounted rate.

Reparative Rate <$400: Please consider naming what you can pay if you come from generational poverty, you or your ancestors have faced marginalization, or if you currently struggle to meet your basic needs*, have little to no savings, significant debt, and if you have little to no financial safety net or housing stability from family. We recognize the vast inequities that exist in our communities due to the realities of neoliberalism, colonialism, imperialism, and patriarchy. Our intention is to redistribute resources, and we consider the Jam to be a community resource that we wish to make available regardless of money. Our experience shows us that every participant contributing something ultimately contributes to your investment in this co-created experience. In that spirit, we ask you to consider what you can contribute toward your food and lodging at the Jam.

*Basic needs are defined here as food, housing, healthcare, transportation, childcare.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to write to us at northeastyesjam@gmail.com.  We’d love to hear from you!

More reflections and testimonials about the NE Jam:

“This experience provided a safe space for stretching, reaching out, taking in, and strengthening my ‘roots’. It has given me new-found courage to engage and trust in knowing that allowing things to ‘get messy’ at times paves the way for clarity and new beginnings.” 

– Elizabeth Cooper, 60, Environmental Advocate and Naturecologist, Vermont

“[The NE Jam] was so gentle in its way of lifting away the dead scaly skin of this cocoon I have been growing in. Thank you for revealing to me the reality of what once seemed only visionary…Thank you for showing me glimpses into the way of sacred communion free from dogma and doctrine.” 

–  Bryn Dawson, 31, Teacher, Natural Dharma Fellowship, Wonderwell Mountain Refuge, New Hampshire

“What I think I have come to appreciate as the essence of the Jam is not so much about the ‘what’, but about the ‘how’. When it comes to doing the hard work of change, what the Jam offered me is a foundation of love, resiliency, and capacity for challenging work and self-exploration.” 

– Liz Charles, 32, Maine Migrant Health Program, Maine

“New England Jam…thank you for your soul searching, your honesty, your beauty, your uncertainty, and your wisdom. In you, I find both questions and answers – but always love, so much love, to go with both. I want you on toast with peanut butter in the morning, and as a midnight snack.” 

– Sophia Rosenfeld, 22, Student, Williams College, Massachusetts

“I appreciate how my body was a part of the Jam, how my creativity was a part of the Jam, how my spontaneity was a part of the Jam, how my inner child was a part of the Jam. The brilliance seems to reside in the fact that the Jam provides time, space, and activity that leads to friendship. And at the end of the day, friendship is what fuels collaboration.” 

– Tobiah Sola, 25, Meditation App Developer, Vermont

Who is putting this on?


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2023-11-01 to

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