2022 Wellness & Healing Justice Jam

2022 Wellness & Healing Justice Jam

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Image description for accessibility: a graphic of two outstretched hands, palms up, in various shades of brown, green, orange, and blue accompanied by the words “save the date: Wellness & Healing Justice Jam, August 23-27, 2022, Watershed Center, NY”


Calling social workers, therapists, body and energy workers, counselors, wellness educators, sex liberators, physicians, doctors, nurses, acupuncturists, chiropractors, somatic healers, osteopaths, herbalists, and so many other diverse healers to the Wellness and Healing Justice Jam — a gathering for people working at the intersections of healing arts, community advocacy, and counseling. We’ll come together to share our challenges and breakthroughs in our work; nurture ourselves; support and inspire each other; explore our identities as practitioners, healers, and whole people; figure out ways to be more sustainable; find intersections for future collaborations; build a more resilient network; and much more!

* Note: We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 reality and will only meet in person if it is safe to do so.  More details below.



In music, a jam is a creative, live gathering of musicians who together spontaneously create a new sound, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Like that, YES! Jams are places where diverse leaders and visionaries bring together their passions, openness, and unique perspectives. In spontaneous connection, we weave layers of experience, wisdom, heart, and spirit to create some real magic. The Jam asks that all the players are present and ready to listen deeply to each other and share what’s alive for them. From there, so much learning, unlearning, healing, growing, understanding, imagining, and more emerges!  All of which has vital impacts on our lives, our families and communities, our workplaces and contributions, and the world as a whole.

YES! Jams have been happening since 1999. YES! collaborates with other like-hearted peers around the world to co-create Jams where diverse visionaries and social changemakers combine their inspirations and skills to create something greater than the sum of their parts. To date, more than 185 Jams have been held on six continents and online, bringing together young and intergenerational leaders from more than 85 nations.

The Jam is not a conference, seminar, or a typical meeting — it is something unique. The Jam is dedicated time at a beautiful retreat center to think and feel deeply about social change in this field, in our world, in our communities, and in ourselves. There are transformative conversations and there is a lot of fun, art, and creativity. There is dancing and embodiment, group explorations, and co-creations, as well as solo time and internal reflection.

The Jam works on 3 three levels:

  1. On the personal level, we enter into an open space to reflect on our life journeys and what makes us who we are today. Here, we have an opportunity to deepen our purpose, ask meaningful questions, unlearn our fears and blocks, access our hearts, and open our minds to move more boldly in the world.

  2. On the interpersonal level, we come together to share our cultures, our creativity, our collaborative spirits, our stories, and our struggles so we can deepen in our understanding of and connection to each other. We look at our conflicts and differences and find potential breakthroughs and synergies through which to have a greater sense of the whole.

  3. On the systemic level, we become clearer about the importance of our work in the world and its potential for even deeper, more meaningful impact. We connect the dots, co-create shared visions, and build bridges to move towards thriving, just and regenerative ways of life for all. We learn ways to make our contributions more thriving and potent and get the support we need to dream and actualize into new dimensions.

Every Jam is an open space where the gifts and needs of the people who show up can emerge.

For the Wellness and Healing Justice Jam, we will explore and deepen into these questions:

  • How did I come to be a practitioner in this field? What does healing mean to me?

  • How do we work with and/or through existing institutions, especially if they don’t align with our values all the time?

  • How do we collaborate and create flexible co-learning communities as healers/practitioners across mediums, modalities, and issue focuses?

  • How do we create an enduring support network of people using their healing passions for social change? How are we to be sustainable and valued in the field?

  • How do we manage burnout and vicarious trauma – individually, collectively, and intergenerationally? How are we navigating the collective trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current state of the world?

  • How can we co-create different and visionary systems of care, locally and beyond? How are envisioning sustainable self-care and community-care practices for our flourishing?

And what questions are you bringing to the Jam? Your questions are ALL welcome.


Because we seek to bring together as diverse a group of healers and practitioners as possible, we are looking for a range of:

  • Healing modalities (micro and macro, western and traditional, trained and instinctual, etc.)

  • Years of experience (from ‘barely into the journey’ to ‘been at it for a good part of your life’);

  • Issues or work focuses (i.e., social justice, community, intergenerational, cross-cultural, holistic, etc.)

  • Identities and world-views (i.e., diversity in class, ethnicity, race, disability, religion, culture, gender, sexuality, age, etc.)

  • Work with clients and community populations  (i.e., single mothers, elderly, folks experiencing homelessness, incarcerated youth, macro-level systems change, etc.)


The Jam will take place from Tuesday, August 23 to Saturday, August 27, 2022, at the Watershed Center in Millerton, New York (about 2 hours north of New York City).  It is also about an hour from Hartford or Albany airports.  It is a naturally beautiful place, away from the hustle and bustle of modern life, both inspiring and rejuvenating. Please be mindful in your travel plans to arrive before noon at any of the New York City airports on the 23rd and depart after 3 pm on the 27th.

It is our deepest hope that we will gather in August in person in a safe way for everyone. If you have any concerns around Covid that you would like to share with us, please do mention it in your application and/or write to us at healingjusticejam[at]gmail.com, and we will follow up with you directly.

The jam is being offered at a sliding scale of $500-$1800 per participant. The full cost of participation in the Wellness and Healing Justice Jam is $1200 per person, to support the costs of food, lodging, childcare and local transport ($550), as well as program organizing and facilitation ($650).  In the spirit of transparency, feel free to ask us for our full budget for the breakdown of our costs.

Money should never be a reason to not apply: partial scholarships are available on a limited and first-come, first-serve basis. We also invite work trades and monthly payment plans. We aim to figure out with each applicant the right combination of tuition, work trade, and scholarship that can work for you. The sooner you apply, the sooner we can mutually create a plan that works and the better your chances are of receiving a partial scholarship if you need one. And, if you are able to contribute more, wonderful! The extra amount will go towards our scholarship pool.

How people have supported their costs in the past:

  • Utilizing professional development funds
  • Ridesharing
  • Personal fundraising – reaching out to friends, family, colleagues
  • Offering workshops/ skill shares post-JAM to your community/workplace

We share this information to be as transparent as possible about how and where finances are utilized. We invite you to give in a way that makes you feel abundant.

We invite you to give what you can and to give generously; any surplus supports partial scholarships for other participants. If you pay more than the at-cost $1200 amount for tuition, that extra amount is tax-deductible. Note: this tuition does not include travel to the Watershed Center, but we can help with rides to and from the local train station and possible carpools.

Children are also more than welcome to come to the Jam. We will work out specific childcare plans with you, after getting a clearer sense of the needs of your family.


To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://yesworld.org/wellnessjamapp/ →


Date And Time

2022-08-23 to

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