Past Jams*
*This page only includes a selection of past Jams and YES! activities.

North America Leadership Alumni Jam, September 29 to October 6, 2020, on zoom – YES!’s longest-running program, which has helped to birth so many Jams around the country and has been happening for the last 21 years, in one form or another. 24 past North America Leadership Jam and Leveraging Privilege for Social Change Jam alumni joined in a deep Zoomy dive to co-create shared vision, find common points of collaboration, heal historic divides, and explore the self.
India Education Transformation Jam, October 8-16, 2020, on zoom – The first-ever Jam focused on transforming education, personally, interpersonally, and systemically, in India. Organized by alumni of the India Youth Jam and the Education Transformation Jam, 24 people came together to explore their journeys in, struggles with, and possibilities for education, in these times.
Black Diaspora Jam, October 14-20, 2020, on zoom – The 2nd Black Diaspora Jam brought together 16 diverse changemakers from across the Black diaspora to explore personal, interpersonal and systemic transformation in these times.
A ‘Taste’ of the Egypt Jam, October 19, 2020, on zoom – While (hopefully) gearing up for an in-person 7th annual Jam in the Spring 2021, this two-hour ‘taste’ of the Jam brought together 15 diverse change-makers from varying religious, ethnic, economic, geographic, national and professional backgrounds from around Egypt, to get an initial feel for the Jam experience.
Wellness and Healing Justice Jam, October 23-28, 2020, on zoom – This 3rd annual event brought together 32 social workers, therapists, counselors, and many other wellness and healing artists, to dive into deeper self-awareness, community collaborations, healing across the fields of work, and moving the dial on what is possible in the field overall. Core partners: Minna Kim, Sky Yardeni, Hanan Al-Bilali, Gert Comfrey, Roan Coughtry, Chetna Mehta, Yoo-Jin Kang.
The Impossible Summit, October 30-November 1, 2020 – YES! supported this gathering around ‘Impossible Healing’ with a keynote, panel moderation and workshop on moving from breakdowns to breakthroughs.
AWID Facilitation Training Program, November-December 2020 – YES! worked with the Association for Women’s Rights in Development to offer an in-depth facilitation training, including three interactive sessions and one-on-one coaching for AWID staff.
Invoking the Pause Zoomit, December 2, 2020 – YES! supported our partner, Invoking the Pause, for their first-ever Zoomit! which brought together various members of the ITP community: staff, advisory board, and grant partners of this past year and beyond.
YES! Annual Holiday Party, December 20, 4-5:30 pm PST / 7-8:30 pm EST, on Zoom – Nearly 50 Jammers, program partners and community members came together for YES!’s annual fun-, friend- and fund-raising event.
Pacific Northwest Changemakers Jam, Held virtually January 26-February 1, 2021 – This first-time Jam gathered 27 multi-generational change-makers from around the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, British Columbia) to explore the diverse realities of this incredible region, generate shared vision, create lasting relationships, and deepen in self-awareness together.
Transforming Ourselves, Transforming Our World: Attending to the Personal, Interpersonal and Systemic – February 2, 9, 16, 23, 2021 – YES! Jam leaders, Shilpa Jain and Hanzade Germiyanoglu, hosted this four-part series in partnership with The Peoples’ Hub. Sessions are focused on slowing down, finding your purpose, cultivating supporting, and transforming conflicts.
Queer/LGBTQ* Jam, 2021, March 5-12, 2021 – This 4th annual Jam brought together 26 multi-generational change-makers from around and across the LGBTQ* spectrum for collective visioning, interpersonal healing and understanding, and self-transformation. Core partners: George Holmes, Roan Coughtry, Jessie Workman, Will Grant, Alia Lahlou, and Jovan Julien.
Building Bridges and Mediating Conflicts, March 29, 2021 – YES! Executive Director Shilpa Jain hosted this interactive workshop sharing core tools and practices on healing and wholeness for members of the East Point Peace Academy community.
Toronto Changemakers Jam, April 6-12, 2021 – This 6th annual Toronto Jam brought together 32 Toronto-based and/or -connected changemakers to connect with each other and explore together what transformation looks like in our communities, in our relationships, and in ourselves.
Men and Masculinity: Men Raised as Men Jam, April 8-11, 2021 – This brand-new Jam offered 22 participants the opportunity to catalyze positive change through healing, homecoming, and expression of healthy masculinity as part of a resilient whole.
Re-Storying Justice Jam, April 16-23, 2021 – This 2nd-ever Jam brought together 30 practitioners in the fields of restorative justice, prison reform, prison abolition, and more, to generate deeper community, self-awareness and healing, and to help move the dial on what ‘justice’ can look like for our times. Core partners: Demarris Evans, Richard Cruz, Kevin Martin, Yoana Tchoukleva, Angela Sevin, Seth Weiner.
Cohousing in Community, April 18, 2021 – YES! Executive Director Shilpa Jain shared some YES! Jam tools, practices, and reflections at the online conference held by CohoUS. Note: You can see the talk and more about the conference when you enter this EVENT SPECIFIC password: Con2021
Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Facilitation Training, April 24, 2021 – YES! Executive Director Shilpa Jain worked with HOME Environmental Changemaker Jammer, Kirsten Rudestam, to offer a facilitation training for the Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy year-long program.
World Gaels Jam, To be held virtually April 26 to May 1 – This 7th annual Jam brought together 31 multi-generational Gaelic language and culture creatives from around Nova Scotia, North America, the United Kingdom, and beyond, to create a welcoming, supportive and INSPIRING community. Core partners: Amber Buchanan, Alison Etter, Heather Sparling, Joyce MacDonald, and Shannon MacMullin.
Let’s Get Free: The Power of Co-Liberation, May 2, 2021 – YES! Executive Director Shilpa Jain and Arts for Social Change Jam alum, Santos S.O.U.L, shared about the power of co-liberation in the “Medicine for Our Times” series hosted by the Thrive East Bay community.
“Sacred Activism” – World Localization Day, June 16, 2021 – YES!’s Executive Director Shilpa Jain shared insights from YES! Jams on this unique panel with Pat McCabe, Alnoor Ladha, Helena Norberg-Hodge, and Alex Jensen, as they collectively explored the shape, flavor, and role of sacred activism in these times.
Egypt Leadership Jam, Held virtually June 9-14, 2021 – This 7th annual Jam brought together 14 diverse change-makers, from varying religious, ethnic, economic, geographic, national and professional backgrounds from around Egypt. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past Egypt Jams.
Wellness and Healing Justice Jam, Held virtually, June 25 to July 2, 2021 – This 4th annual event brought together 29 social workers, therapists, counselors, and many other wellness and healing artists, to dive into deeper self-awareness, community collaborations, healing across the fields of work, and moving the dial on what is possible in the field overall. Core partners: Minna Kim, Sky Yardeni, Hanan Al-Bilali, Gert Comfrey, Roan Coughtry, Yoo-Jin Kang.
Asian Jamily Reunion, June 30, 2021, 2-5 pm PST / 5-8 pm EST – About 24 Asian-identifying Jam alumni gathered for personal and collective connection and healing in this challenging time.
Ten Thousand Heroes podcast – June 2021 – Tune into this interview with YES! Executive Director, Shilpa Jain, in this unique podcast focused on personal transformation for collective service, hosted by Pacific Northwest Changemakers Jammer, Ankur Shah.
El Jam México, Se llevará a cabo virtualmente el 12 – 17 de julio, 2021 – El Jam en México es un encuentro contigo y con otras personas hispanohablantes para conocerte, cuestionarte y explorar; para conectar con otros, crear espacio y nuevas posibilidades; para ubicar en donde estás parado, lo que te detiene y lo que te impulsa, tus sueños.
Mexico Jam, To be held virtually July 12-17, 2021 – The Mexico Jam was an encounter among 32 Spanish-speaking people to deepen self knowledge, question and explore; to connect with others, create space and new possibilities; to understand and build relationships with participants from Mexico and other parts of Latin America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Argentina, Cuba, Colombia, etc.).
Education Transformation Jam, Held virtually August 9-14, 2021 – How is education transforming in this COVID-19 world? 24 intergenerational and dynamic change-makers in the field of education gathered together to (re)weave an oft-divided education transformation fabric. Learning from our life experiences, healing from education pains, co-creating a robust support system, and generating new visions and practices of education were at the heart of this 8th annual Jam.
North America Leadership Jam, Held virtually September 13-18, 2021 – YES!’s longest-running program, which has helped to birth so many Jams around the region and has been happening for the last 20 years in one form or another. 27 diverse multigenerational leaders from around North America gathered for co-creating a shared vision, finding common points of collaboration, healing historic divides, and exploring the self.
Egypt Jam, October 13-18, 2019, Fayoum, Egypt – This 6th annual Jam brought together 28 diverse change-makers, ages 20-40, from varying religious, ethnic, economic, geographic, national and professional backgrounds from around Egypt. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past Egypt Jams.
Toronto Jam, October 23-27, 2019, Mansfield, Ontario, Canada – The 5th annual Toronto Jam brought together 24 Torontonians for dedicated time in nature, away from the city, to think and feel deeply about social change in our world, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Visionary Business Live, November 1, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA – YES! will present its work and offer a small taste of a Jam at this weekend event hosted by co-founder, Ryan Eliason.
Eco Jam, November 3-9, 2019, Pune, India – The first-ever EcoJam in India brought together a community of 30 people from diverse backgrounds, ages 20+, who are passionate and concerned about the environment. They gathered to know themselves more deeply, build a community together, reconnect with Nature in a profound way, and find renewed vision, purpose, and support in their work in the world. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past India Jams.
Re-Storying Justice Jam, November 10-14, 2019, Bay Area, California, USA – This first-ever Jam brought together 26 practitioners in the fields of restorative justice, prison reform, prison abolition, and more, to generate deeper community, self-awareness and healing, and to help move the dial on what ‘justice’ can look like for our times.
Pakistan Youth Leadership Jam, November 21-26, 2019, Karachi, Pakistan – 6th annual event! 24 diverse change-makers, from all parts of Pakistan and working in fields ranging from women’s empowerment to youth development to human rights and citizenship, came together to grow in self, heal divisions, create support for each other, and vision a positive future for their families, communities and land. Organized and facilitated by a team of alumni from past Pakistan Jams.
India Arts for Social Change Jam, December 6-12, 2019, buffer zone of Pench National Park, India – This 4th annual Jam engaged 18 diverse artist-activists from around India — dancers, theater artists, visual artists, poet, musicians, filmmakers, graphic designers, photographers, and more. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past India Arts for Social Change Jams.
South India Jam 2019, December 14-20, 2019 Neredu Valley, India – This Jam brought together 25 change-makers who feel connected to South India to support self-discovery, sharing, deepening connections, systemic inquiry and building community.
Annual Holiday Party, December 15, 2019, 3-6 pm, Berkeley, CA – Jammers, program partners and community members from across the Bay Area (and beyond) were invited to YES!’s annual fun-, friend- and fund-raising event.
(Re)Humans Gathering, January 27, 2020, San Francisco, CA – YES! participated in this new network gathering ‘regenerative humans’ — people gathering together to build ways of being together that shift the needle on the change we are seeking now.
Northeast Changemakers Jam, March 10-15, 2020, Deerfield, Massachusetts, USA – The 4th annual regional gathered 27 dynamic and diverse changemakers for deep learning, listening, systemic inquiry, and community building, especially powerful as the news of COVID-19 was unfolding in its midst. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past Northeast Jams.
Jam Alumni Reunions – Happening continuously across Jam communities throughout March, April, May and June. Involving hundreds of alumni across 25 Jam teams.
Facilitation Workshop, April 8, 2020, online – YES! led a dynamic workshop on facilitation for the second cohort of Creating Freedom Movements, a powerful yearlong movement training focused on more justice and more joy.
Bizverds – Pakistan, Practicing Compassion & Community, April 10, 2020, online – YES! Executive Director Shilpa Jain partnered with Pakistan & Middle East Youth Leadership Jammer, Zain Goplani, to provide an interactive session on how to meet this moment with presence, kindness and connection.
SIMBA Community mini-mini-Jam, April 11, 2020, online – YES! partnered with New Stories to host a mini-mini-Jam, a two-hour online experience, for members of the Spokane Independent Metro Business Alliance, based in Spokane, Washington. It was an opportunity to support the network in these Coronavirus times, to deepen connections, and lift up possibilities for local resilient economies going forward.
Leading with Uncertainty, April 16, 2020, online – An offering with The People Piece to explore what it is to lead and support leadership within our organizations in these times.
Mexico Jam, Virtual ‘Taste of a Jam’ – May 14 and May 19, 2020 – The 2nd Jam for Mexico-based visionaries, artists, social entrepreneurs, innovators, dreamers, creators, activists, organizers and more, for connecting, healing, transforming and visioning the present and future together (en español).
Pacific Northwest Changemakers Jam, Virtual ‘Taste of a Jam’ – May 21 and May 27, 2020 – The first-ever Jam to gather multi-generational change-makers from around the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, British Columbia) to explore the realities of the region, create lasting relationships, and deepen in self-awareness together.
The Impossible Summit, May 20, 2020, online – YES! Executive Director, Shilpa Jain, hosted a public workshop on ‘Engaging the Power of Intention and Ritual to Make the Impossible’ for this first-ever Summit that included many Jam alumni and friends of YES!. Here’s also the panel on Impossible Innovation that she also hosted.
Virtual World Jam for Jammers, May 30, and June 1, 2020 – A virtual offering to gather Jammers from around the world, to deepen, listen, share and learn together towards living in this moment and co-creating the future we want to see.
Tools for the Work of Uprooting Racism, June 17, 2020 – In partnership with Social Venture Circle, YES! Executive Director Shilpa Jain will be hosting an interactive session sharing Jam tools to support this pivotal movement of facing systemic racism and police brutality.
Our Moment of Choice, June 24, 2020 – YES! Executive Director Shilpa Jain, and Arts for Social Change Jam leader, Gino Pastori-Ng, shared in the launch of the new book by the Evolutionary Leaders Network, in which they both have chapters.
Conflict Transformation Online Summit, June 15 to July 15, 2020 – YES! is thrilled to be supporting and part of ‘Coming Down to Earth: A Journey to Explore Pathways to Regenerative Cultures in a Time of Breakdown.’ Shilpa Jain, Executive Director, hosted a workshop on July 7, 2020: “From Breakdown to Breakthrough: Facing and Changing Conflicts in Our Lives.”
Education Transformation Jam, Held Virtually, June 23-July 1, 2020 – How is education transforming in this COVID-19 world? 24 intergenerational and dynamic change-makers in the field of education came together to (re)weave an oft-divided education transformation fabric. Learning from our life experiences, healing from education pains, co-creating a robust support system, and generating new visions and practices of education were at the heart of this 7th annual Jam.
This Is Us: DISCOVER program, Held Virtually, July 21, 2020 – YES! facilitated this virtual workshop on leadership and empathy for 30 young women from all over Pakistan to enhance their knowledge, confidence, and interest.
HOME (Healing Our Movement Ecosystem) – An Environmental Movement Jam, Held Virtually, July 29 to August 1, 2020 – 31 change-makers from the intersecting environmental, ecology and environmental justice movements gathered to heal the movement ecosystem at all levels. This was our first-ever virtual gathering of this 5th annual Jam. Grassroots leaders, conservationists, indigenous peoples, alternative builders, eco-justice warriors, scientists, and policy advocates, and more, explored their stories, learnings, struggles and hopes, and find ways to amplify vision, balance, well-being, connectivity and collective effectiveness within this vital movement. Core partners: Elias Serras & Ecovillages, Kyle Lemle & Lead to Life, Tianna Arrendondo & 350.org, Rene Henery & Trout Unlimited, Anwen Baumeister & The Well/Cozy Bones Farm.
Law and Social Change Jam, Held Virtually, August 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 – This 6th annual Jam happened online for the first time! We brought together 31 diverse lawyers and justice practitioners, who are vital to co-creating a better world, in environment, human rights, criminal justice, land rights, immigration, alternative economies, and more, and who want to heal and deepen their connections on personal, interpersonal and systemic levels. Core partners: Susan Brooks, John Lopez, Chris Tittle, Judi Cohen, Jeff Carolin, Demarris Evans.
Our Moment of Choice, September 1, 2020 – YES! Executive Director Shilpa Jain, and Arts for Social Change Jam leader, Gino Pastori-Ng, shared in the public launch of the new book by the Evolutionary Leaders Network, in which they both have chapters. Shilpa also appeared on the Voice America radio show on August 26, 2020 and on the Beyond Words platform on September 17, 2020, both times to share more about Jamming and the chapter in the book. You can also see more about Our Moment of Choice here in Light on Light magazine.
Transforming Ourselves, Transforming Our World: Attending to the Personal, Interpersonal and Systemic – August 19, August 26, September 2, September 9 – YES! Jam leaders, Shilpa Jain and Hanzade Germiyanoglu, created this four-part series in partnership with The Peoples’ Hub. 12 participants got a taste of YES!’s work on slowing down, finding your purpose, cultivating supporting, and transforming conflicts.
Shift Summit & Music Festival, September 18, 2020 – YES! Executive Director Shilpa Jain participated on the Women’s Empowerment breakout-stage with Claire Zammit, Jean Houston, and Jam alum Devaa Haley Mitchell to explore women’s critical role in going forward in these times.
Completed Programs – October 2018 – September 2019
Southern Leadership Jam, October 3-8, 2018, Feliciana, Louisiana, USA – Diverse, intergenerational change-makers from the US South will gather for this 6th annual Jam to co-create a safe space for truth telling, healing, compassion, and understanding. They re-envisioned the New Normal and how to get there from the current context of erosion of voter rights, discrimination, and unjust policies facing the US South today. Core partners: Ekua Adisa and Ashley Cooper, Mycelium; Jovan Julien, Project South; Hannah Sadtler; Rhiana Anthony, Movement for Black Lives; John Paul Taylor, Real Life Poets; Kate Morales.
Egypt Jam, October 19-25, 2018, Fayoum, Egypt – This 5th annual Jam brought together 25 diverse change-makers, ages 20-40, from varying religious, ethnic, economic, geographic, national and professional backgrounds from around Egypt. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past Egypt Jams.
Invoking the Pause, October 29-31, 2018, Sonoma, CA, USA – YES! and several Jam alumni participated in the annual event hosted by this foundation focused on climate change trailblazers and solutionaries.
Visionary Business Live, November 2, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA – YES! presented its work and offered a small taste of a Jam at this weekend event hosted by co-founder, Ryan Eliason.
Middle East Youth Leadership Jam, November 2-9, 2018, Amman and Wadi Rum, Jordan – The 10th annual event brings together diverse young leaders from around the region, who are committed to hope, possibility, justice and peace for all peoples in the region. It is co-organized and facilitated by a diverse group of Middle East Jam alumni.
India Arts for Social Change Jam, November 11-17, 2018, Pune, Maharashtra, India – This 3rd annual Jam will engage diverse artist-activists from around India — dancers, theater artists, visual artists, poet, musicians, filmmakers, graphic designers, photographers, and more. It is organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past India Youth Jams and Arts for Social Change Jams.
Mexico Jam, November 13-18, 2018, Malinalco, Mexico – A first-ever Jam for Mexico-based visionaries, artists, social entrepreneurs, innovators, dreamers, creators, activists, organizers and more, for connecting, healing, transforming and visioning the present and future together.
We Need Us, November 27, 2018, Oakland, CA, USA – YES! provided support in this collaborative event with the Oakland Peace Center and host a World Cafe as part of their campaign for Giving Tuesday.
Asian & Pacific Islander Jam, December 2-7, 2018, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA – The first-ever Asian & Pacific Islander (API) Jam brought together 27 change-makers from the diverse Asian + Pacific Islander community landscape. Together, we created a supportive space to explore our connection to ancestry, our roles in and relationships to social justice movements, and what it takes to heal our relationships with one another as peoples of Asian and/or Pacific Islander descent who have some intersection with North America.
Annual Holiday Party, December 16, 2018, 3-6 pm, Berkeley, CA – Jammers, program partners and community members from across the Bay Area (and beyond) came together for YES!’s annual fun-, friend- and fund-raising event.
Pakistan Youth Leadership Jam, January 11-16, 2019, Karachi, Pakistan – 5th annual event! Diverse change-makers, from all parts of Pakistan and working in fields ranging from women’s empowerment to youth development to human rights and citizenship, will come together to grow in self, heal divisions, create support for each other, and vision a positive future for their families, communities and land.
Global Jam Leaders Gathering, January 22-29, 2019, Sinai, Egypt – The first-ever gathering to bring together Jam organizers and facilitators from around the world for listening, connecting, sharing, growing, and learning together, to strengthen Jams, co-evolve YES!, and grow this transformational work into new dimensions and beyond.
Nova Scotia Gaels Jam, Nova Scotia, Canada – February 18-23, 2019 – This 6th annual Jam brought together intergenerational Gaelic language and culture creatives from around Cape Breton and Nova Scotia to create a welcoming, supportive and INSPIRING community. Core partners: Amber Buchanan, Alison Etter, Heather Sparling, Joyce MacDonald, and Shay MacMullin.
North America Jam Leaders Gathering, March 1-7, 2019, Marin, California – The first-ever gathering to bring together North America-based Jam organizers and facilitators for listening, connecting, sharing, growing, and learning together, to strengthen Jams, co-evolve YES!, and grow this transformational work into new dimensions and beyond.
India Youth Jam, April 21-28, 2019, Himachal Pradesh, India – This 8th annual Jam united 32 social changemakers from around the subcontinent for self-awareness, community-building and systemic visioning. Core partners: Sukhmani Kohli, Shruti Tharayil, Roy Jacob, Suyash Saboo, Ayesha D’Souza, and Kaushiek Pranoo.
HOME (Healing Our Movement Ecosystem) – An Environmental Movement Jam – May 19-24, 2019, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA – 28 change-makers from the intersecting environmental, ecology and environmental justice movements gathered to heal the movement ecosystem at all levels. Grassroots leaders, conservationists, indigenous peoples, alternative builders, eco-justice warriors, scientists, and policy advocates, and more, explored their stories, learnings, struggles and hopes, and find ways to amplify vision, balance, well-being, connectivity and collective effectiveness within this vital movement. Core partners: Ashoka Finley, Elias Serras, Jodi Lasseter & North Carolina Climate Justice Summit, Rene Henery & Trout Unlimited, Anwen Baumeister & The Well/Cozy Bones Farm.
Arts for Social Change / ARTivist Jam, June 9-14, 2019, Santa Cruz mountains, California, USA – Musicians, visual artists, dramatists, dancers, graphic recorders, spoken word poets, and more, will join together in cross-pollinating and linking up the vital ARTivist movement! This 7th annual Jam will focus on mutual support, interconnection, collaboration, visioning, and lifting up the essential contributions of artists in social transformation.
Law and Social Change Jam, June 25-30, 2019, The Watershed Center, Millerton, New York, USA – This 5th annual Jam will bring together diverse lawyers and justice practitioners, who are vital to co-creating a better world, in environment, human rights, criminal justice, land rights, immigration, alternative economies, and more, and who want to heal and deepen their connections on personal, interpersonal and systemic levels. Core partners: Susan Brooks, Kim Clark, Chris Tittle, Parag Khandhar, Judi Cohen, Jeff Carolin, Demarris Evans.
Education Transformation Jam, July 8-14, 2019, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA – Our 6th annual event gathered 16 intergenerational and dynamic change-makers in the field of education to (re)weave an oft-divided education transformation fabric. This Jam was held in collaboration/conjunction with the semi-annual Free Minds, Free People conference.
Asian & Pacific Islander Jam, August 6-10, 2019, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA – The 2nd Asian & Pacific Islander (API) Jam brought together 25 change-makers from the diverse Asian + Pacific Islander community landscape. Together, we created a supportive space to explore our connection to ancestry, our roles in and relationships to social justice movements, and what it takes to heal our relationships with one another as peoples of Asian and/or Pacific Islander descent who have some intersection with North America.
Wellness and Healing Justice Jam, August 21-25, 2019, The Watershed Center, Millerton, New York, USA – 2nd annual event which brought together 26 social workers, therapists, counselors, and many other wellness and healing artists, to dive into deeper self-awareness, community collaborations, healing across the fields of work, and moving the dial on what is possible in the field overall. Core partners: Minna Kim, Sky Yardeni, Hanan Al-Bilali, Gert Comfrey, Roan Coughtry, Chetna Mehta, Yoo-Jin Kang.
Jamily Yuba River Weekend, August 29-September 1, 2019 – 12 Jam alumni gathered for this cross-jam pollination at a magical river in northern California!
North America Leadership Jam, September 8-15, 2019, Santa Cruz mountains, California, USA – YES!’s longest-running program, which has helped to birth so many Jams around the country and has been happening for the last 15 years. 27 diverse multigenerational leaders from around North America gathered for co-creating a shared vision, finding common points of collaboration, healing historic divides, and exploring the self.
Bioneers, October 20-22, 2017, San Rafael, CA – YES! is delighted to co-design and participate on an extraordinary panel with our beloved elder, Joanna Macy, HOME Jam alum and organizer, Rene Henery, and Coherence Lab founder, Prajna Marcus-Horn.
Nova Scotia Gaels Jam, Nova Scotia, Canada – November 3-5, 2017 – This mini-Jam brought together 10 intergenerational Gaelic language and culture creatives from around Cape Breton and Nova Scotia to create a welcoming, supportive and INSPIRING community. Participants Jammed in the Gaelic language to support their community to strengthen and deepen in new ways. Core partners: Amber Buchanan, Eamag McDonald, Alison Etter, and Shay MacMullin.
Egypt Youth Leadership Jam, November 11-17, 2017, Fayoum, Egypt – This 4th annual Jam engaged 25 diverse change-makers, ages 20-40, from varying religious, ethnic, economic, geographic, national and professional backgrounds from around Egypt. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past Egypt Jams.
India Arts for Social Change Jam, December 12-17, 2017, Bangalore, India – This 2nd annual Jam engaged 27 diverse artist-activists from around India. Dancers, theater artists, visual artists, poet, musicians, filmmakers, graphic designers, photographers, and more all participated. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past India Youth Jams and Arts for Social Change Jams.
Annual Holiday Party, December 17, 2017, Berkeley, CA – More than 40 Jammers, program partners and community members from across the Bay Area (and beyond) came together for YES!’s annual fun-, friend- and fund-raising event. They learned more about YES! — the past year, the year ahead, the overall vision and mission; heard from YES!’s Board Chair and co-founder, Ocean Robbins, and watched the latest film on YES!’s work. They made new connections and friendships. And, of course, they ate, drank, and were merry together!
Pakistan Youth Leadership Jam – January 26-31, 2018, Karachi, Pakistan – 4th annual event! 26 diverse change-makers, from all parts of Pakistan and working in fields ranging from women’s empowerment to youth development to human rights and citizenship, came together to grow in self, healed divisions, created support for each other, and visioned a positive future for their families, communities and land.
Habib University, January 31 and February 1, 2018, Karachi, Pakistan – YES! facilitated a few workshops for staff and students of this premier liberal arts university in Karachi. With students, we focused on cooperative play, mutual support and deeper connection. With staff, we engaged with deeper listening, healthy community and positive culture-building.
Nova Scotia Gaels Jam, February 1-3, 2018, Nova Scotia, Canada – This mini-Jam brought together 12 intergenerational Gaelic language and culture creatives from around Cape Breton and Nova Scotia to create a welcoming, supportive and INSPIRING community. Participants Jammed in the Gaelic language to support their community to strengthen and deepen in new ways. Core partners: Amber Buchanan, Heather Sparling, Alison Etter, and Shay MacMullin.
Thrive East Bay – March 4, 2018, Oakland, California, USA – YES! is honored to co-host this monthly community gathering, with the theme, “Radical Love: In Our Souls and On the Streets”.
Northeast Changemakers Jam – March 26-31, 2018, Springfield, New Hampshire, USA – 23 intergenerational change-makers from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island gathered to vision the region afresh, build community, create space for inner transformation, and heal across divides.
HOME (Healing Our Movement Ecosystem) – An Environmental Movement Jam – March 26-31, 2018, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA – 27 change-makers from the intersecting environmental, ecology and environmental justice movements gathered to heal the movement ecosystem at all levels. Grassroots leaders, conservationists, indigenous peoples, alternative builders, eco-justice warriors, scientists, and policy advocates, and more, explored their stories, learnings, struggles and hopes, and find ways to amplify vision, balance, well-being, connectivity and collective effectiveness within this vital movement. Core partners: Ashoka Finley, Colin O’Brien & EarthJustice, Jodi Lasseter & North Carolina Climate Justice Summit, Kyle Lemle & Spiritual Ecology Fellowship, Rene Henery & Trout Unlimited, Anwen Baumeister & Cozy Bones Farm.
Ege Jam, April 27-May 1, 2018, Aegean Sea, Turkey — This first-ever Jam brought together 17 diverse changemakers who are based in the Aegean region of Turkey, to explore local connections, healing selves and communities, and visioning forward together. It was put together by several alumni from the Anatolia Youth Leadership Jam.
Queer/LGBTQ* Jam, May 12-18, 2018, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA – This 3rd annual Jam brought together 18 change-makers from around and across the LGBTQ* spectrum for collective visioning, interpersonal healing and understanding, and self-transformation.
Black Diaspora Jam, June 7-11, 2018, Highlander Research and Education Center, New Market, Tennessee, USA – 18 Black and African-American Jam alumni gathered to explore personal, interpersonal and systemic transformation in these times. Co-organizers: Hanan Al-Bilali, Jocelyn Jackson, Jovan Julien, Austin Willacy, Ashoka Finley, Chinyere Oteh.
India Youth Jam, June 17-24, 2018, Bangalore, India – This 7th annual Jam united 30 social changemakers from around the subcontinent for self-awareness, community-building and systemic visioning. Core partners: Sukhmani Kohli, Shruti Tharayil, Roy Jacob, Suyash Saboo, Ayesha D’Souza, and Kaushiek Pranoo.
Arts for Social Change / ARTivist Jam, June 18-23, 2018, Santa Cruz mountains, California, USA – 27 musicians, visual artists, dramatists, dancers, graphic recorders, spoken word poets, and more, joined together in cross-pollinating and linking up the vital ARTivist movement! This 6th annual Jam focused on mutual support, interconnection, collaboration, visioning, and lifting up the essential contributions of artists in social transformation.
Evolving + Emerging Economies Jam, June 22-26, 2018, St. Louis, Missouri, USA – This year, in association with the New Economy Coalition’s Common Bound conference, 22 diverse visionaries and entrepreneurs committed to a just and regenerative world gathered to transform themselves, their relationships, and the economic system via impact investing, social entrepreneurship, community currency, worker-owned business, new metrics, collaborative consumption, gift cultures, and more. 5th annual EEE Jam! Co-sponsoring partners: RSF Social Finance and New Resource Bank.
Law and Social Change Jam, July 25-29, 2018, Ukiah, California, USA – This 4th annual Jam brought together 23 diverse lawyers and justice practitioners, who are vital to co-creating a better world, in environment, human rights, criminal justice, land rights, immigration, alternative economies, and more, and who want to heal and deepen their connections on personal, interpersonal and systemic levels. Core partners: Susan Brooks, Kim Clark, Chris Tittle, Parag Khandhar, Judi Cohen, Jeff Carolin.
Humane Education Coalition Podcast, July 30, 2018 – YES!’s Executive Director, Shilpa Jain, was featured on the HEC podcast, featuring the learnings and work of YES! and the Jams.
Field Academy Community Jam, August 1-5, 2018, Plainfield, Massachusetts, USA – This Jam brought together 23 Field Academy alumni, teachers, partners, supporters, and Education Jam alumni for co-learning, visioning and co-creating the next stage of this experiential, social and environmental justice and community-based education program for teens and adults.
Finding Common Ground, August 3, 2018 – YES!’s Executive Director, Shilpa Jain, had the opportunity to share her story and YES!’s story as a speaker in the Summer of Peace Summit, hosted by the Shift Network.
For the Love of Learning, August 6, 2018 – YES!’s Executive Director, Shilpa Jain, shared info and learnings from Jams in this episode on ‘creating learning environments’, featuring voices from the alternative education movement.
Wellness and Healing Justice Jam, August 22-26, 2018, Farm of Peace, Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania, USA – A first-ever Jam brought together 22 social workers, therapists, counselors, and many other wellness and healing artists, to dive into deeper self-awareness, community collaborations, healing across the fields of work, and moving the dial on what is possible in the field overall. Core partners: Minna Kim, Sky Yardeni, Sarah Beth Grove, Roan Coughtry, Chetna Mehta, Natasha Jeswani, Anna Hirsch, Beatriz Martinez.
Anatolia Arts for Social Change Jam, August 28-September 2, 2018, Turkey – This 3rd annual Arts for Social Change Jam in Turkey brought together 28 artist-activists from around the country — dancers, musicians, storytellers, filmmakers, photographers, visual artists, and more — to strengthen and deepen arts offerings towards building a thriving, just and regenerative world for all. Organized by a group of alumni from the Anatolia Youth Leadership Jam and Arts for Social Change Jam.
North America Leadership Jam, September 9-16, 2018, Santa Cruz mountains, California, USA – YES!’s longest-running program, which has helped to birth so many Jams around the country and has been happening for the last 15 years. 28 diverse multigenerational leaders from around North America gathere for co-creating a shared vision, finding common points of collaboration, healing historic divides, and exploring the self.
UNIFY’s World Peace Broadcast, September 21, 2018 – YES!’s Executive Director, Shilpa Jain, shared about YES!’s work, the Jams, and the “Welcome to the Jam” in this global effort on the UN International Day of Peace.
Toronto Jam, September 22-25, 2018, Mansfield, Ontario, Canada – This 4th annual Jam in the greater Toronto area brought together 27 diverse change-makers to connect, vision, build bridges, and learn together, in order to strengthen the dynamic movements happening in and around the city. Core partners: Brigid Tierney, Rehana Tejpar, Karen BK Chan, Jeff Carolin, Francesca Allodi-Ross, and Adeline Cohen.
Middle East Youth Leadership Jam, October 14-21, 2016, Amman and Wadi Rum, Jordan – The 9th annual event brought together 18 diverse young leaders from around the region, who are committed to hope, possibility, justice and peace for all peoples in the region.
Latin America Indigenous Funders Conference, October 24-27, 2016, Lima, Peru – YES! was honored to collaborate with the International Funders for Indigenous Philanthropy (IFIP) on this ground-breaking conference to serve front-line and grassroots indigenous communities in Latin America.
Coherence Lab mini-Jam, November 3-6, 2016, Lihue, Kaua’i, Hawai’i, USA – YES! partnered with Coherence Lab, in order to support several Kaua’i based leaders to strengthen their connections and ties and support growing movements among ecological and youth organizations on the island.
Oakland Peace Center mini-Jam, November 10-13, 2016, Oakland, California, USA – Several Jam alumni and YES!, who are Oakland Peace Center members, co-organized a local jam for the collective, in order to strengthen relationships and shared efforts towards peace, social justice, and a positive futures for Oakland.
India Jamily Reunion, November 17-21, 2016, Goa, India – 13 alumni from the five India Youth Jams gathered for a reunion to build collaborations across Jam communities, share integration strategies of bringing the Jam to daily life, explore the future of new Jams in India, and of course, practice the fine art of hanging out!
India Arts for Social Change Jam, November 29 to December 4, 2016, Panchgani, Maharashtra, India – The first-ever Arts for Social Change Jam in India! The Jam brought together 20 artists from around the country — dancers, musicians, storytellers, filmmakers, photographers, visual artists, and more — to strengthen and deepen arts offerings towards building a thriving, just and regenerative world for all. It was organized by a group of alumni from the India Youth Leadership Jam and Arts for Social Change Jam.
Pakistan Youth Leadership Jam – January 26- 31, 2017, Karachi, Pakistan – 3rd annual event! 23 diverse change-makers, from all parts of Pakistan and working in fields ranging from women’s empowerment to youth development to human rights and citizenship, came together to grow in self, healed divisions, created support for each other, and visioned a positive future for their families, communities and land.
Habib University Learning Exchanges – February 2-4, 2017, Karachi, Pakistan – YES! facilitated transformative co-learning experiences for Habib University staff and students.
Jozi Taste-of-a-Jam – February 27, 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa – YES! hosted a four-hour ‘taste of a Jam’ with 15 changemakers from the Johannesburg area. They had a beautiful time, slowing down, connecting, and learning from one another — and we hope it leads to more connections soon!
Queer/LGBTQ* Jam, March 10-16, 2017, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA – This Jam brought together 25 change-makers from around and across the LGBTQ* spectrum for collective visioning, interpersonal healing and understanding, and self-transformation.
HOME (Healing Our Movement Ecosystem) – An Environmental Movement Jam – March 28 to April 2, 2017, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA – 19 change-makers from the intersecting environmental, ecology and environmental justice movements gathered to heal the movement ecosystem at all levels. Grassroots leaders, conservationists, indigenous peoples, alternative builders, eco-justice warriors, scientists, and policy advocates, and more, explored their stories, learnings, struggles and hopes, and found ways to amplify vision, balance, well-being, connectivity and collective effectiveness within this vital movement. Core partners: Ashoka Finley, Colin O’Brien & EarthJustice, Jodi Lasseter & North Carolina Climate Justice Summit, Kyle Lemle & Spiritual Ecology Fellowship.
Anatolia Arts for Social Change Jam, April 3-8, 2017, Izmir, Turkey – The second annual Arts for Social Change Jam in Turkey brought together 24 artist-activists from around the country — dancers, musicians, storytellers, filmmakers, photographers, visual artists, and more — to strengthen and deepen arts offerings towards building a thriving, just and regenerative world for all. Organized by a group of alumni from the Anatolia Youth Leadership Jam and Arts for Social Change Jam.
Evolving + Emerging Economies Jam, April 11-15, 2017, San Francisco Bay Area, CA – 15 diverse visionaries and entrepreneurs committed to a just and regenerative world gathered to transform themselves, their relationships, and the economic system via impact investing, social entrepreneurship, community currency, worker-owned business, new metrics, collaborative consumption, gift cultures, and more. Co-sponsoring partners: RSF Social Finance and New Resource Bank.
India Youth Jam, April 13-20, 2017, Himachal Pradesh, India – The 6th annual Jam united 30 social changemakers from around the subcontinent for self-awareness, community-building and systemic visioning. Core partners: Sukhmani Kohli, Shruti Tharayil, Vartika Poddar, Roy Jacob, and Saud Hakim.
NYC Leadership Jam, April 27-30, 2017, Millerton, New York, USA – The first-ever NYC Jam gathered 20 diverse and intergenerational changemakers from the New York City Metro area and co-created a safer space for truth telling, healing, compassion, and understanding, as participants committed to collective visioning, liberation, and transformation at all levels. The Jam was organized by a diverse group of Jam alum from many different Jams.
South India Jam, May 23-28, 2017 – Bangalore, India – 27 South India-based changemakers gathered to explore regional challenges, build bridges across divides, and deepen in inner awareness. The importance of localizing collaborations and connecting rural and urban changemakers was emphasized. Hosted by a team of alumni from the India Youth Jam.
Arts for Social Change / ARTivist Jam, July 2-7, 2017, Santa Cruz, California, USA – 28 musicians, visual artists, dramatists, dancers, graphic recorders, spoken word poets, and more, joined together in cross-pollinating and linking up the vital ARTivist movement! This 5th annual Jam focused on mutual support, interconnection, collaboration, visioning, and lifting up the essential contributions of artists in social transformation.
Education Transformation Jam – July 3-9, 2017, Baltimore area, Maryland, USA – 20 intergenerational and dynamic change-makers in the field of education came together to (re)weave an oft-divided education transformation fabric. The 4th annual Education Transformation Jam was held in collaboration/conjunction with the semi-annual Free Minds, Free People conference. Co-organizing partners: Free Minds, Free People; The Field Academy and Schools without Borders.
Delhi Youth Jam, Uttarkhand, India – July 5-10, 2017 – Several alumni of the India Youth Jam organized this first-ever localized program, to bring together 20 diverse changemakers from around the National Capitol Region. The hope was to sow the seeds of connection, collaboration and a shared vision for Delhi’s future. Core partners: Aditya Gupta, Sukhmani Kohli, Rashee Mehra, and Saud Hakim.
Law and Social Change Jam, July 25-30, 2017, Millerton, NY, USA – This 3rd annual Jam brought together 21 diverse lawyers and law practitioners, who are vital to co-creating a better world, in environment, human rights, criminal justice, land rights, immigration, alternative economies, and more, and who want to heal and deepen their connections on personal, interpersonal and systemic levels. Core partners: Chris Tittle, Parag Khandhar, Judi Cohen, Jeff Carolin.
Southern Leadership Jam, August 4-9, 2017, Highlander Center, Knoxville, TN, USA – 20 diverse and intergenerational changemakers from the US South gathered for this 5th annual Jam to co-create a safe space for truth telling, healing, compassion, and understanding. They re-envisioned the New Normal and how to get there from the current context of erosion of voter rights, discrimination, and unjust policies facing the US South today. Core partners: Jayanni Webster, Fight for $15; Ekua Adisa and Ashley Cooper, Mycelium; Jovan Julien, Project South; Hannah Sadtler; Malika Sanders-Fortier, Grassroots Democracy; Jessica Norwood, Emerging Changemakers Network.
Anatolia Youth Leadership Jam, August 23-30, 2017, Mardin, Turkey – This 7th annual Jam united 28 social changemakers from around Turkey to focus on self-awareness and healing, ecological renewal, community connection, social entrepreneurship, health and well-being, community media and building a transformative vision and future for Turkey. For the first time, it was held in southeast Turkey, to more directly make opportunities to include members of the Kurdish community and Syrian refugee community. Core partners: Hanzade Germiyanoglu, Asil Dugan, Burak Dindaroglu, Argin Kubin, Ayse Gokce Bor.
North America Leadership Jam, September 10-17, 2017, Quaker Center, Ben Lomond, CA – YES!’s longest-running program, which has helped to birth so many Jams around the country and has been happening for the last 12 years. 31 diverse multigenerational leaders from around North America committed to co-creating a shared vision, finding common points of collaboration, healing historic divides, and exploring the self.
Evolving + Emerging Economies Jam, October 13-18, 2015, Bay Area, CA – 20 diverse visionaries and entrepreneurs committed to a just and regenerative world gathered to transform themselves, their relationships and the economic system via impact investing, social entrepreneurship, community currency, worker-owned business, new metrics, collaborative consumption, gift cultures, and more. This year’s EEE Jam was hosted in collaboration with Bioneers 26th annual conference. Core partners: Bioneers, Maya Hackett, Julia Kious Zabell, Aumatma Shah, Holly Roberson, Chris Tittle, Julian Caspari.
Middle East Youth Leadership Jam, October 23-30, 2015, Wadi Rum, Jordan – The 8th annual event brought together 20 diverse young leaders from around the region, who are committed to hope, possibility, justice and peace for all peoples in the region.
Egypt Youth Leadership Jam, November 5-10, 2015, Fayoum, Egypt – This second annual Jam engaged 22 diverse change-makers, ages 20-40, from varying religious, ethnic, economic, geographic, national and professional backgrounds from around Egypt. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of the first-ever Egypt Jam and the Middle East Youth Leadership Jam.
YES! 25th Anniversary and Holiday Party – December 6, 2015, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA – We hosted the first of many celebrations to honor 25 years of YES! Our Bay Area community of supporters, Jam alumni, board members, staff and local partners, were invited to hear about the 2014-15 year, appreciate the next evolutionary leap in YES!, and reunite with Jamily. We enjoyed a taste of the Jam, the spirit of the holidays and looked forward to the New Year in community!
YES! Jamily Reunion – December 19, 2015, New York City, NY, USA – 15 NYC-based Jamily members gathered for a reunion and began cross-pollinating a mini-Jam! Hosted by Giselle Castaño, an Education Jam and North America Jam alum, this reunion brought together Jammers from the Arts and Social Change Jam, the Law and Social Change Jam, the North America Jam, the Education Jam, the Queer/LGBTQ* Jam, and the Middle East Jam. This team is laying the foundation for a New York City Jam in 2017.
Pakistan Youth Leadership Jam – February 25 to March 1, 2016, Karachi, Pakistan – 27 change-makers, from all parts of Pakistan and working in fields ranging from women’s empowerment to youth development to human rights and citizenship, came together to grow internally, heal divisions, create support for each other, and vision a positive future for their families, communities and land.
Habib University Learning Exchanges – March 3 and 4, 2016, and March 5 and 6, 2015, Karachi, Pakistan – YES! facilitated two two-day co-learning experiences for Habib University staff and Habib University students. Participants dove deeply into embodied experiences of listening, story-sharing, team-building, collaboration, leadership, vision and more. Over 50 people participated, and they left with renewed vigor, capacity and hope to make a difference in their lives and communities.
Unlearning Workshop for Intergenerational Collaboration – March 23, 2016, Oakland, CA, USA – YES! was delighted to partner with the Berrett-Koehler Foundation on this pilot workshop to support collaborative engagements across generations. Participants had a chance to explore self-awareness tools, listening and story-sharing, appreciative inquiry and small group support. We are looking forward to round two!
Community of Faith Breakfast – March 26, 2016, San Leandro, CA, USA – YES! was happy to share an interactive presentation on “Connecting, Healing, Loving, towards Building the World We Want to See” with this monthly interfaith breakfast community.
Arts for Social Change / ARTivist Jam, April 5-10, 2016, Santa Cruz, California, USA – 23 musicians, visual artists, dramatists, dancers, graphic recorders, spoken word poets, and more, joined together in cross-pollinating and linking up the vital ARTivist movement! This Jam focused on mutual support, interconnection, collaboration, visioning, and lifting up the essential contributions of artists in social transformation.
Northeast Jam – April 20-25, 2016, Starksboro, Vermont, USA – 15 intergenerational change-makers from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania gathered to vision the region afresh, build community, create space for inner transformation, and heal across divides.
India Youth Jam, April 28 to May 5, 2016, Himachal Pradesh, India – The 5th annual Jam united 28 social changemakers from around the subcontinent for self-awareness, community-building and systemic visioning. Core partners: Sukhmani Kohli, Shruti Tharayil, Yash Maniar, Roy Jacob, Saud Hakim, Arpita Gaidhane.
25th Anniversary Celebration, May 14, 2016, Oakland, California, USA – YES! celebrated its 25th anniversary! Hosted at Interplayce, the event brought together about 100 people, from all of the years of YES!’s existence, for a wonderful walk down memory lane, a sharing of artistic presentations, delicious food, and many exciting new launches of visual/storytelling projects and creative work projects for YES!’s 26th year of service. It also supported our first-ever crowdfunding campaign to nourish the Jams happening this year and the many new ones beginning for 2016-17.
Honoring the Whole Person in Social Justice Work, May 19, 2016, Oakland, California, USA – YES! was honored to share on a panel and offer a workshop as part of this event organized by the National Equity Project. This was the second event in the National Equity Project’s “There’s Another Way” event series, and explored the intersection of social justice work with various wisdom traditions to better understand how each can inform and strengthen the other. Underpinning this event was NEP’s foundational stance that leading for equity is “inside-out” work.
Thrive East Bay, May 22, 2016, Oakland, California, USA – YES! was excited to partner with several Jammers and friends on the 9th installment of Thrive East Bay, an opportunity to connect with a diverse and inspiring group of people; to be uplifted by music, singing, and poetry; to tap into spirit and heart; and to experience the transformative power of community in service of a world that works for all.
Law and Social Change Jam, May 29 to June 2, 2016, Pennsylvania, USA – This 2nd annual Jam brought together 20 diverse lawyers and law practitioners, who are vital to co-creating a better world, in environment, human rights, criminal justice, land rights, immigration, alternative economies, and more, and who want to heal and deepen their connections on personal, interpersonal and systemic levels. Core partners: Chris Tittle, Parag Khandhar, Judi Cohen, Jeff Carolin.
Beloved Community: Law and Social Activism to Realize MLK’s Enduring Vision, June 3-5, 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA – YES! was honored to partner with the Project for Integrating Law, Spirituality and Politics in their second conference, held at Drexel University in Philadelphia. With Law and Social Change Jammer, Susan Brooks, who serves as the Dean of Community and Experiential Education at Drexel Law School, we co-facilitated a wonderful conference for a wide diversity of participants to deeply engage with how to continue to build the beloved community in these times. Check out the summary blog that was written about the conference.
Toronto/GTA Jam, June 15-19, 2016, Toronto, Canada – This 3rd Jam in the greater Toronto area brought together 20 diverse change-makers to connect, vision, build bridges, and learn together, in order to strengthen the dynamic movements happening in and around the city. Core partners: Brigid Tierney, Rehana Tejpar, Karen BK Chan, Arabi Rajeswaran, Jeff Carolin, Adeline Cohen.
Anatolia Youth Leadership Jam, June 18-25, 2016, Yenikoy, Bayramic, Turkey – This 6th annual Jam united 30 social changemakers from around Turkey to focus on self-awareness and healing, ecological renewal, community connection, social entrepreneurship, health and well-being, community media and building a transformative vision and future for Turkey. Core partners: Aysegul Guzel/Zumbara, Hanzade Germiyanoglu, Esra Debeli, Asil Dugan, Burak Dindaroglu, Argin Kubin.
Unlearning Workshop on Intergenerational Collaboration – July 25, 2016, Oakland, CA, USA – Hosted in partnership with the Berrett-Koehler Foundation, YES! was delighted to offer the second in this workshop series on learning and unlearning, utilizing specific tools and practices, in order to have more meaningful, effective and joyful intergenerational collaborations.
Education Transformation Jam, July 31 to August 7, 2016, Portland, Oregon, USA – 18 intergenerational and dynamic change-makers in the field of education came together to (re)weave an oft-divided education transformation fabric. This year, the Ed Jam was held in partnership with the 13th annual AERO conference! Co-organizing partners: AERO, The Field Academy and Schools without Borders.
Southern Leadership Jam, August 18-23, 2016, Marshall, NC, USA – 16 diverse and intergenerational changemakers from the US South gathered for this 4th annual Jam to co-create a safe space for truth telling, healing, compassion, and understanding. They envisioned the New Normal and how to get there from the current context of erosion of voter rights, discrimination, and unjust policies facing the US South today. Core partners: Jayanni Webster, Fight for $15; Ekua Adisa and Ashley Cooper, Mycelium; Jovan Julien, Project South; Hannah Sadtler; Malika Sanders-Fortier, Grassroots Democracy; Jessica Norwood, Emerging Changemakers Network.
Anatolia Arts for Social Change Jam, August 30 to September 4, 2016, Bodrum, Turkey – The first-ever Arts for Social Change Jam in Turkey! Bringing together 28 artists from around the country — dancers, musicians, storytellers, filmmakers, photographers, visual artists, and more — to strengthen and deepen arts offerings towards building a thriving, just and regenerative world for all. Organized by a group of alumni from the Anatolia Youth Leadership Jam and Arts for Social Change Jam.
Mindfulness in the Law Teacher Training Program, August 31 to September 3, 2016, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA – YES! was delighted to partner with MLTT to offer community-building tools and practices to this transformative program for lawyers and legal workers, who are aiming to integrate mindfulness into all aspects of their lives and work, and share it with others in their profession and beyond.
North America Leadership Jam, September 11-18, 2016, Quaker Center, Ben Lomond, CA – YES!’s longest-running program, which has helped to birth so many Jams around the country and has been happening for the last 12 years. 26 diverse leaders from around North America commited to co-creating a shared vision, finding common points of collaboration, healing historic divides, and exploring the self.
Egypt Youth Leadership Jam, September 23-28, 2016, Fayoum, Egypt – This third annual Jam engaged 20 diverse change-makers, ages 20-40, from varying religious, ethnic, economic, geographic, national and professional backgrounds from around Egypt. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past Egypt Jams.
Bioneers, October 17-19, 2014, San Rafael, CA, USA – YES! moderated a panel on the intersection of Faith and Spirituality in the Environmental Movement for this 25th annual conference of leaders in organizations and movements for environmental renewal, social justice, indigenous sovereignty, and more.
Social Venture Network, October 23-26, Greenwich, CT, USA – YES! facilitated two sessions of the ‘Entrepreneur’s Playground’ and served as a one-on-one advisor and SVN Ambassador at the 27th Fall Conference of this vital network for social entrepreneurs. Many other Jam alumni also shared their work at SVN. It was a great fun!
Egypt Youth Leadership Jam, October 30 – November 3, 2014, Fayoum, Egypt – This first-ever Jam engaged 28 diverse change-makers, ages 20-45 from varying religious, ethnic, economic, geographic, national and professional backgrounds. It was organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of the Middle East Jam.
Middle East Youth Leadership Jam, November 7-14, 2014, Wadi Rum, Jordan – The 7th annual event gathered 25 diverse young leaders from 8 countries around the region, who are committed to hope, possibility, justice and peace for all peoples in the region. Core partner: Youth Spirit Center.
Facilitators and Organizers Retreat, November 26-30, 2014, Bangalore, India – After three India Youth Leadership Jams (2012, 2013, 2014), 24 alumni gathered to learn more about organizing and facilitating to co-create more Jams around India, in local languages, cities, regions, and on particular themes. This first-ever retreat gave alumni the experience of a deep dive into Jamming, with the hopes of launching 3-5 new local programs in India next year.
YES! Holiday Party – December 14, 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA – Our annual holiday party brought together our Bay Area community of supporters, Jam alumni, board members, staff and local partners, for an extended Jamily celebration. It was an opportunity for us to share what we have learned and experienced in the past year and to ring in the New Year in community.
Oakland Peace Center Peace Weekend – January 17-18, 2015, Oakland, CA, USA – YES! hosted a workshop and a World Café to collaborate with our local partners at the Oakland Peace Center, in order to support visions and practices of peace and justice for Oakland and beyond.
Changemaker Chai Morning, January 22, 2015, Berkeley, CA – With the Impact HUB Berkeley, from 10 am to 12 pm, we hosted an informal circle for change-makers to check-in, have a cup of chai, set intentions for the new year, and get support for where they are in their journey. Co-hosted by the Impact HUB – Berkeley.
2015 Jain Leadership Conference – January 23-25, 2015, Milpitas, CA, USA – YES! was delighted to partner with North America Jam alum, Parth Savla, and facilitate a short session with the local and national Jain community, as they explore how to ignite and expand leadership in these times.
New England Jam – February 25-March 1, 2015, Springfield, NH, USA – 25 intergenerational change-makers gathered from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut to vision the region afresh, build community, create space for inner transformation, and heal across divides.
India Youth Leadership Jam, March 8-15, 2015, Udaipur, India – The 4th annual Jam united 30 social changemakers from around the subcontinent for self-awareness, community-building and systemic visioning. Core partners: Vartika Poddar, Roy Jacob, Sukhmani Kohli, Shruti Tharayil, Yash Maniar, Saud Hakim.
Morocco Jam, March 12-16, 2015, Tafoughalte, Oujda, Morocco – This first-ever Jam engaged 12 diverse change-makers, from varying religious, ethnic, economic, geographic, and professional backgrounds in Morocco. It was organized and facilitated by a team of six alumni of the Middle East Jam.
Pakistan Youth Leadership Jam – March 22-26, 2015, Karachi, Pakistan – 29 change-makers, from all parts of Pakistan and working in fields ranging from women’s empowerment to youth development to human rights and citizenship, came together to heal divisions, create support, and vision a positive future for their families and the land. This first-ever Jam was organized by a team of alumni from the Middle East Jam and World Jam.
Facilitators and Organizers Retreat, April 18-22, Bayramic, Turkey – Four Anatolia Youth Leadership Jams have taken place (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), and 24 alumni eagerly gathered to learn more about organizing and facilitating to co-create more Jams around Turkey, in local cities, regions, and on particular themes. Look forward to seeing 2 or 3 new Jams in Turkey next year!
Law and Social Change Jam, April 29 – May 3, 2015, Green Gulch Farm Zen Center, San Francisco, California – This jam brought together 26 diverse lawyers and law practitioners, who are vital to bringing forth a better world, in environment, human rights, criminal justice, land rights, immigration, and more, and who want to heal and deepen their connections on personal, interpersonal and systemic levels.
Nova Scotia Gaels Jam, May 8-13, 2015, Nova Scotia, Canada – This 3rd annual Jam brought together 20 intergenerational Gaelic language and culture creatives from around Cape Breton and Nova Scotia to create a welcoming, supportive and INSPIRING community. Participants built bridges across divides and evoked a dynamic vision for the present and future of Gaelic language and culture. Core partners: Amber Buchanan, Shay MacMullin and Tad Hargrave.
Queer/LGBTQ* Jam, May 26-31, 2015, Vajrapani Institute, Santa Cruz Mountains, California – Our first-ever jam brought together 14 change-makers from around and across the LGBTQ* spectrum for collective visioning, interpersonal healing and understanding, and self-transformation.
The Good 100, May 29-31, 2015, Edmonton, Canada – Long-time YES! Jamily, Tad Hargrave, organized this fourth annual event to bring together 100 changemakers from around the Edmonton area for a weekend of connecting, visioning and growing together.
Seizing An Alternative: Towards an Ecological Civilization, June 4-7, 2015, Pomona College, California, USA – YES! wa delighted to be participating in and presenting at this first-ever conference of activists, visionaries, artists, philosophers, and more, to reconnect, heal and renew possibilities for a balanced and thriving world.
New Resource Bank, Lunch ‘n Learn, June 23, 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA – YES! shared a taste of a Jam with a group of associates at San Francisco’s premier social enterprise bank.
US Social Forum, June 24-28, 2015, San Jose, California, USA – YES! joined with change-makers from around the US for the 3rd US Social Forum: Another World Is Possible, Another System Is Necessary. We offered a workshop — a little taste of a Jam — and connected with old and new friends and collaborators.
Evolutionary Leaders Network Annual Retreat, June 29 to July 2, 2015, Mayacamas Ranch, California, USA – YES! was delighted to be participating and facilitating at the annual retreat of the Evolutionary Leaders Network, a community of people working towards conscious evolution at all levels. We also co-hosted an evening learning exchange between ELN members and many Bay Area Jammers on July 2, 2015, in Oakland.
Arts for Social Change / ARTivist Jam, July 7-12, 2015, Santa Cruz, California, USA – 28 musicians, visual artists, dramatists, dancers, graphic recorders, spoken word poets, and more, joined together in cross-pollinating and linking up the vital ARTivist movement! This Jam focused on mutual support, interconnection, collaboration, visioning, and lifting up the essential contributions of artists in social transformation.
BK Foundation Leadership Exchange, July 18, 2015, Oakland, California, USA — YES! was delighted to support the BK Foundation, a fledgling organization committed to intergenerational leadership learning among thriving changemakers. The Leadership Exchange happens in Oakland biannually, and is supported with BK Foundation Board service year-round by Executive Director, Shilpa Jain.
Education Jam, August 3-8, 2015, Knoll Farm, Waitsfield, Vermont, USA – 18 intergenerational and dynamic change-makers in the field of education came together to (re)weave an oft-divided education transformation fabric. Land-based learning, healing from education pains, and co-creating a robust support system were highlights of the Jam. Co-organizing partners: The Field Academy and Schools without Borders.
Southern Jam, August 11-16, 2015, Fairhope, Alabama, USA – 18 diverse changemakers from the US South gathered for this 3rd annual Jam to co-create a safe space for truth telling, healing, compassion, and understanding. They envisioned the New Normal and how to get there from the current context of erosion of voter rights, discrimination, and unjust policies facing the US South today. Core partners: Jessica Norwood, Emerging ChangeMakers Network; Malika Sanders-Fortier, Grassroots Democracy; Ashley Cooper, Mycelium; Jayanni Webster; and Mattice Haynes, The Art of Community.
North America Leadership Jam 2015, September 6-13, 2015, Quaker Center, Ben Lomond, CA – This is YES!’s longest-running program, which has helped to birth so many Jams around the country and has been happening for the last 12 years. 25 diverse leaders from around North America gathered to co-create a shared vision, heal around historic divides, and to deeply explore the self and community.
Anatolia Youth Leadership Jam, September 11-18, 2015, Turkey – This 5th annual Jam united 29 social change-makers from around Turkey to focus on self-awareness and healing, ecological renewal, community connection, social entrepreneurship, health and well-being, community media and building a transformative vision and future for Turkey. Core partner: Aysegul Guzel/Zumbara, Hanzade Germiyanoglu, Esra Drbeli, Asil Dugan.