Alejandro Guizar Lozano

Alejandro Guizar Lozano is an Undocumented Immigrant, union member from Culiacan Sinaloa, Mexico with roots in the Appalachian city of Knoxville TN. Alejandro’s community organizing journey started in 2011 when the U.S. Government unsuccessfully sought to deport Alejandro to Mexico. In those early days Alejandro participated in the first Southern Jam, leading to an internship with Elandria Williams at the Highlander Research and Education Center. Ten years of community organizing experience ranges from Senate campaigns in NC, to rural organizing in AL. Now, Alejandro currently resides in Nashville TN and seeks to find the nexus of community organizing, popular education, and providing those communities with the services they need. Alejandro spends their limited free time playing video games, taking formal classes online, working out, paying attention to his family (wife, 3 cats). Cooking and attending AA meetings.