Mónica Carreño Villegas

Mónica Carreño Villegas is passionate about inner knowledge, purpose, connection and liberation.She has facilitated transformational processes around self-discovery, leadership and storytelling tedx style with groups like Santander, Kellogg Foundation, UNICEF, Panamericana University, UMA,Creative Mornings; From accompanying youth in high schools & universities, to leadership journeys of managers, and vulnerable communities of women in Mexico, Mónica has worked in USA, Guatemala and Egypt and she has studies on International relations, logotherapy, restorative yoga, and Narrative Therapy,a deep practice on authentic movement and tools to work with group’s collective intelligence. As part of Stingray Artist Collective, Art of Hosting practitioner and the Mexico Jam Team, she had the opportunity to live in Chicago, Australia and Nigeria. Currently, Mónica is focused on the integration of breathing, art and body movement as languages and doors to access the essence, wisdom and inner compass within each person. If she had to explain what she does, Mónica works on a self-discovery journey towards more fulfilling lives for people and a journey with Organizations and Youth towards meaning & purposeful paths.